Nourished Living Mentorship
What does it mean to live a truly nourished life?
This is what we're going to explore together.
If I know anything from my experiences it's that what we're the only one that can truly define our lives.
And that means choosing a life that makes us feel alive in our own unique way.
More pleasure.
More choosing the things that support us to feel good in our mind, body and spirit.
To tap into that deep knowing in our bodies. A place that only we know.
This is is nourished living.
If this resonates with you, let's explore it more.
In the Nourished Living Mentorship, I'll be your guide to go deeper and help you uncover your own innate wisdom. The knowing in your body to create a life that you get to choose from a place of pleasure, nourishment and true self trust.
What's included:
3 months of time together
2 live zoom calls a month where we'll cover a variety of topics related to all things mind, body, spirit - from building unshakable self trust and discernment, to human design and intuitive cooking all to support you to deep dive and find your own path to creating the most nourishing life.
You will take part in creating the direction of this space. I want to work with the energy of the group so that it resonates deeply and I can support you to create a path to the most nourishing life that is unique to you. I know it can feel overwhelming trying to do all the things when it comes to mindset work, spiritual work, body work and taking care of ourselves so I want to make this as practical and actionable as possible - and also unique to you. These conversations will explore all the modalities out there (and I know alot of them) but more importantly how you can discern for yourself what works and what doesn't FOR YOU. There'll be hot seat coaching, Q&A and opportunity to get to be in space and connect with a group of like minded humans who are looking to do life in the best way possible, which also means in a different way than alot of the world does it which is why coming together as a group offers the best support for us to have open conversations and support each other in your rising. I'm the guide but the community is everything.
Telegram or Voxer community and weekly connection plus direct individualized support
The Nourished Kitchen cooking course
The most fun completion gifts!
Imagine what the world would look like if we all chose to live from a place of deep knowing? Deep nourishment?
Embodying it changes everything.
I'm looking for a small, intimate group of beautiful humans to join me in this powerful collective space.
Because I go deep with people.
When you're in space with me, you get all of me so I want to bring the right people together where our collective energy will be the most potent for the most nourishing, expansive outcome for all.
*This is an investment of $4000 for 3 months and will also require an investment of your most precious resources; your time and energy - which I don't take lightly. If this is something you know you're not able to commit to, please do not apply. I intend to run future sessions and I trust you to know when the timing will be right.*
If you're feeling pulled to join us, click the link to apply.